




  • 一般演題と、シンポジウム(公募/一部指定)の演題を英文抄録で募集します。
    講演形態 タイトル 発表言語
    シンポジウム 1 公募・一部指定 心房細動の発生・持続メカニズム 座長の言葉 英語
    Mechanism of Atrial Fibrillation: Initiation and Perpetuation
    シンポジウム 2公募・一部指定 心房細動に対する新しい診断治療のアプローチ法 座長の言葉 英語
    Novel Therapeutic and Diagnostic Tools and Devices in Atrial Fibrillation
    シンポジウム 3公募・一部指定 持続性・永続性心房細動に対する治療戦略 座長の言葉 英語
    Therapeutic Strategy of Persistent and Long-standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
    シンポジウム 4公募・一部指定 上室性頻拍アブレーションに対する新知見 座長の言葉 日本語
    Novel Insight into Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia
    シンポジウム 5公募・一部指定 難治性起源の心室期外収縮・頻拍に対するアブレーション戦略 座長の言葉 日本語
    Tips and Tricks in Difficult Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmias
    シンポジウム 6公募・一部指定 リードレスペースメーカ:上場から1年、その実態に迫る 座長の言葉 英語
    Leadless Pacemaker: First-year Post-Marketing Experience
    シンポジウム 7公募・一部指定 デバイス感染症:現状、予防、治療 座長の言葉 英語
    Infection of Cardiac Pacing Device: Present Status, Prevention and Treatment
    シンポジウム 8公募・一部指定 ICD適応を考える:Comorbidity, Age and Frailty 座長の言葉 英語
    Revisit of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Indications: Comobidity, Age and Frailty
    シンポジウム 9公募・一部指定 CRTの進歩はNon Responderをどこまで減らせるか? 座長の言葉 英語
    Role of Novel Technologies of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Reducing Non-Responders
    シンポジウム 10公募・一部指定 リード抜去の非感染症適応 座長の言葉 英語
    Non-Infective Indications of Lead Extractions
    シンポジウム 11公募・一部指定 失神とAsystole:脳—心連関と自律神経の関与 座長の言葉 日本語
    Syncope and Asystole: Cerebrocardiac Syndrome and Autonomic Nervous System
    シンポジウム 12公募・一部指定 不整脈治療における自律神経系へのアプローチ 座長の言葉 英語
    Approach to Autonomic Nervous System for Arrhythmia Treatment
    シンポジウム 13公募・一部指定 高齢者に対する不整脈治療 座長の言葉 日本語
    Treatment of Arrhythmias in Elderly Patients
    シンポジウム 14公募・一部指定 不整脈の遺伝学up-to-date 座長の言葉 日本語
    Genetics of Rhythm Disorders: Up to Date
    シンポジウム 15公募・一部指定 不整脈機序解明(カルシウム動態、光学マッピングなど)と革新的治療法の開発を目指して 座長の言葉 日本語
    Development of Innovative Therapy and New Insight into Arrhythmia Mechanism
    シンポジウム 16公募・一部指定 小児、先天性心疾患に対する非薬物的不整脈治療 座長の言葉 日本語
    Non-Pharmachological Anti-Arrhythmic Treatment for Congenital Heart Disease
    シンポジウム 17公募・一部指定 新しい不整脈マッピングの潮流 座長の言葉 英語
    New Stream of Arrhythmia Mapping
    シンポジウム 18公募・一部指定 心筋症と不整脈 座長の言葉 英語
    Cardiomyopathy and Rhythm Disorders
    日本不整脈心電学会事務局 FAX:03-3219-1955 Eメール:office@jhrs.or.jp
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Mechanism of Atrial Fibrillation: Initiation and Perpetuation

本荘 晴朗 (名古屋大学環境医学研究所心・血管分野)
小野 克重 (大分大学医学部 病態生理学講座)

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia, but pathophysiological processes underlying AF remain incompletely understood, despite extensive basic and clinical researches. They involve alterations of ion channels, gap junctions and intracellular Ca2+ handling by the sarcoplasmic reticulum at the cellular level, and various changes at the organ level affecting atrial tissue architecture. In addition, there is evidence supporting that inflammation, oxidative stress, metabolic disorders and changes in autonomic nervous function contribute to abnormal electrical activities leading to AF. It is well stablished that the paroxysmal type of AF is related to focal sources mainly in the extra-atrial tissue (e.g., pulmonary vein myocardium), as confirmed by the clinical efficacy of electrical isolation of these foci from the atrial tissue. In contrast, the mechanisms maintaining long-lasting AF are still controversial and may involve both ectopic focal impulse generation and various forms of reentry. Two conflicting hypotheses have been proposed as a reentrant mechanism: stable rotors at fixed locations produce sustained electrical activity of AF (mother rotor hypothesis), and breakup of random excitation waves generating multiple wavelets maintains AF (multiple wavelet hypothesis). The progression of paroxysmal AF to persistent AF is mediated by electrical and structural remodeling, the former highlights an abbreviation of atrial refractory period and cell-to-cell electrical uncoupling, and the latter includes proliferation of myofibroblasts and interstitial fibrosis. In this symposium, four distinguished speakers will give talks on these issues and discuss the initiation and perpetuation mechanisms of AF.

Novel Therapeutic and Diagnostic Tools and Devices in Atrial Fibrillation

平尾 見三 (東京医科歯科大学 循環器内科)
内藤 滋人 (群馬県立心臓血管センター 循環器内科)

Recently, the therapeutic and diagnostic tools and devices in atrial fibrillation make remarkable progress as follows.

  • Contact-force sensing technology in RF catheter ablation has the potentials to increase the durability of pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) and to improve the learning curve of young physicians. And recent new parameters such as Ablation Index (CARTO) and LSI (Navx) were correlated to the ablation lesion depth and were promising to improve the ablation procedure.
  • Balloon ablation technology (Cryoballoon, Hot balloon and Laser balloon) was remarkably advanced. Especially, Cryoballoon ablation was able to create the durable PVI and to reduce the procedure time. Several reports indicated that the efficacy of each balloon ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was as same as RF catheter ablation. However, balloon ablation has the potential risk of pulmonary vein stenosis and phrenic nerve palsy. So, the further examinations to avoid these complications are required.
  • 3D mapping system was very useful and essential to catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. Recently, auto mapping system was developed on each 3D mapping system (Confidense(CARTO),Auto-mapping(Navx), and Rhythmia). Each system was able to represent the reentrant circuit and the focal source of atrial tachycardia and fibrillation. Especially, the ORION catheter of Rhythmia system has the 64 small electrodes and can clearly record the fractionated potential on slow conduction area without far field potential.

This session will present recent advances in these novel therapeutic and diagnostic tools and devices in atrial fibrillation. These advances aim to improve the procedure time and optimize procedural outcomes.

Therapeutic Strategy of Persistent and Long-standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

山根 禎一 (慈恵医科大学)
熊谷 浩一郎 (福岡山王病院ハートリズムセンター)

In contrast to the well-established treatment for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, catheter ablation for persistent or long-standing persistent AF (PerAF/LSPAF) is still a big challenge with various controversies remained.
Firstly, indication of ablation is still debatable, because most of PerAF/LSPAF patients are asymptomatic. Although regardless of the absence of serious symptoms in these patients, their poorer QOL than paroxysmal AF patients has been shown, which can be improved by restoring sinus rhythm by ablation treatment through the increase of LV systolic function and the exercise tolerance capability.
Optimal ablation strategies for PerAF/LSPAF also remain to be debatable. Less advanced persistent cases have been shown to be cured by a simple pulmonary vein isolation technique, however additional techniques to reduce the substrates perpetuating AF are necessary to conquer PerAF/LSPAF. Although various methods have been developed so far (linear ablation, CFAE, GP, Rotor/Driver, LVZ, etc), there has been no established method demonstrating obvious advantages to others. An order-made therapy with the selection of appropriate treatment in each case will be necessary to improve the outcome of ablation for PerAF/LSPAF patients.
In this symposium, we want to discuss the indications, meanings, and the strategy issues of catheter ablation to conquer PerAF/LSPAF.


金古 善明 (群馬大学大学院医学系研究科 内科学講座 循環器内科学)
山部 浩茂 (熊本大学大学院医学薬学研究部循環器病態学)



野上 昭彦 (筑波大学医学医療系循環器不整脈学講座)
夛田  浩 (福井大学 医学部病態制御医学講座循環器内科学)

この30年で心室性不整脈に対するカテーテルアブレーション治療は格段の進歩を遂げた。特に3-Dマッピング法の導入によって複雑な頻拍機序の解析や、より詳細なアブレーション標的の同定が可能となった。器質的心疾患を有する患者においては、心室頻拍(VT)の主な基質は心筋瘢痕の複雑な不整脈原性構造である。3-Dマッピングシステムを用いた基質マッピングの出現により器質的心疾患におけるVTアブレーションの成功率は劇的に改善されたが、まだ限界も多い。また、たとえ標的部位が詳細に同定されたとしても、頻拍起源によってその治療効果に未だ大きな差が存在していることも事実である。 このシンポジウムでは、新たなマッピング方法とアブレーション技術、例えば多点高密度マッピング、周波数解析マッピング、心外膜アプローチ、バイポーラ・アブレーション、ニードル・アブレーション、化学アブレーションなどの最新の技術を紹介し討論したい。これらの新たな技術は、不整脈基質を正確に理解した上で、アブレーション成績を向上させる新たな戦略になるものと期待される。

Leadless Pacemaker: First-year Post-Marketing Experience

副島 京子 (杏林大学医学部循環器内科)

The history of implantable pacemaker is over a half century, and approximately 60,000 patients receive pacemakers annually in Japan. However, conventional pacemakers are known to be associated with several adverse events. Majority of the adverse events are related with the lead or subcutaneous pocket. The leadless pacemaker was invented to overcome these known complications. The approval of the leadless pacemaker in Japan was in September, 2017. Japanese patients are small and often have known risk factors for cardiac perforation. As more patients receive the leadless pacemaker, possibly DDD in future, we would like to discuss the current status, future direction and possible procedure tips for the safe implant.

Infection of Cardiac Pacing Device: Present Status, Prevention and Treatment

草野 研吾 (国立循環器病研究センター心臓血管内科部門)
今井 克彦 (広島大学病院心臓血管外科)

Cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED)-associated infection is a serious and sometimes fatal problem after device implantation. It has been reported to occur around 1-7% of cases, but it is gradually increasing recently because of expanded function and device indication. For prevention, appropriate management before/during the implantation (patient selection, preventative maneuver and choice of device) is important. But once infection occurred, the mainstream of the management is a total removal of these devices, however it sometimes causes fatal complication including death. From the early 1990s, lead extraction system for CIED has progressed. Excimer laser system has approved in 2010 and now a standard therapy for CIED-associated infection in yearly 500 cases in Japan. J-LEX (Japanese registry of Lead Extraction) will provide a current situation in this filed.
In this session, we will make a discussion with experts about the prevention and the appropriate management for CIED-associated infection, especially focus on the patient selection and the recent advancement of lead extraction system.

Revisit of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Indications: Comobidity, Age, and Frailty

清水 昭彦 (山口大学大学院医学系研究科保健学系学域)
池田 隆徳 (東邦大学医学部内科学講座循環器内科学分野)

In Japan, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) were approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 1996. Then, the first guidelines for ICDs were published by the Japanese Circulation Society in 2001. CRT-P and CRT with an ICD (CRT-D) were also approved in 2004 and 2006, respectively. The ICDs were a first grade therapy to prevent sudden cardiac death worldwide, even in Japan. The indication for ICDs seemed to have been confirmed. The indication for ICDs for secondary prevention, in particular, for sudden cardiac death, had already been established nearly 20 years after the approval of ICDs in Japan. However, Japan is now aging and is about to enter an unprepared for super-aging society. Therefore, new problems are arising as to how to consider ICD indications not only for primary prevention, but also for secondary prevention in patients with comorbidities and that are super-aged and frail. In this symposium, we would like to reconsider how to consider these problems and the indications for ICDs.

Role of Novel Technologies of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Reducing Non-Responders

栗田 隆志 (近畿大学医学部附属病院心臓血管センター)

Although cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been proven to improve the prognosis of patients with a reduced cardiac function and wide QRS complex, a substantial number of candidates do not have a favorable clinical response. The exact rate of non-responders is still unclear because various definitions of non-responders have been used among the studies. The recent trials are prone to using a clinical composite score, which includes the clinical response (NYHA class and exercise duration), reverse remodeling (increase in the LVEF and a reduction in the systolic or diastolic dimension of the LV), and outcome measurements (hospitalization, morbidity, and mortality).
Since the causes of non-responders are multifactorial (patient selection, inadequate AV and/or V-V timing, a sub-optimal left ventricular lead position, and a conduction delay within the LV), various efforts to resolve these problems have been challenged. Owing to the advanced CRT features for heart failure, the rate of non-responders has seemed to improve. In this symposium, the most advanced technologies to obtain cardiac synchronization and the near future of CRT will be discussed.

Non-Infective Indications of Lead Extractions

合屋 雅彦 (東京医科歯科大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科)

Most cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) currently use leads that connect the generator to cardiac tissue. Lead management is an important issue, given the lead failures, generator changes, and clinical conditions that can directly affect CIEDs. The previous expert consensus ‘Transvenous Lead Extraction: Heart Rhythm Society Expert Consensus on Facilities, Training, Indications, and Patient Management’ was published in 2009. In that consensus document the complete removal of the entire CIED system was recommended in cases with confirmed or suspected pocket infections of the implanted devices. Regarding non-infectious indications, chronic pain induced by the device system and undergoing specific imaging such as MRI were class IIa indications for a lead extraction. Further, this statement also provided several conditions involving thrombosis or venous stenosis, and functional or non-functional leads, as class I or IIa indications. Moreover, that document delivered detailed recommendations for facilities and training on lead extractions that remain appropriate.
In September 2017, the new statement ‘2017 HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Lead Management and Extraction’ was announced. The main focus of this new statement is to provide practical clinical guidance in the broad field of lead management, including lead extractions. Therefore, we can learn a lot about the latest management of CIED systems. However, regarding non-infectious indications, the optimal decision-making process regarding lead extractions for noninfectious indications is less clarified, because it is unclear whether the risk of an extraction outweighs the benefit of having the lead removed in many situations, for example with ‘recalled leads’, ‘abandoned or non-functional leads’, ‘taking MRI imaging in patients with non-MRI conditioned devices’, and even ‘functional leads’. In this session, we would like to discuss the non-infectious indications of lead extractions


安部 治彦 (産業医科大学医学部不整脈先端治療学)
小林 洋一 (昭和大学医学部内科学講座循環器内科学部門)


Approach to autonomic nervous system for arrhythmia treatment

井上  博 (富山県済生会富山病院 内科)

The autonomic nervous system is involved in regulation of electrophysiological properties in cardiac tissues. Abnormal autonomic states have been shown as a strong prognostic marker of increased mortality and propensity to lethal arrhythmias. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system enhances automaticity or triggered activity, accelerates conduction and shortens refractory period, thereby leading to induction of atrial as well as ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system exerts protective effects against ventricular tachyarrhythmias. However, activation of the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with induction of atrial fibrillation in apparently healthy subjects and ventricular fibrillation in patients with Brugada syndrome. Modulation of the autonomic nervous activity with invasive techniques is now becoming promising treatment strategies for some specific tachyarrhythmias. For instance, ablation of the atrial epicardial ganglionated plexus is effective in suppressing paroxysms of atrial fibrillation. Additionally, cervical vagal nerve stimulation, left stellate ganglionectomy and renal sympathetic denervation could be now promising, adjunctive treatment techniques for refractory arrhythmias. Indeed, left stellate ganglionectomy is effective in suppressing ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia as well as long QT syndrome. In this symposium, arrhythmogenic mechanisms of neurocardiac interactions and recent progress in modulation of the autonomic nervous activity for treatment of refractory arrhythmias will be discussed.


山下 武志 (心臓血管研究所)
小松  隆 (岩手医科大学内科学講座循環器内科分野)



古川 哲史 (東京医科歯科大学 難治疾患研究所 生体情報薬理学分野)
清水  渉 (日本医科大学内科学(循環器内科学))



蒔田 直昌 (長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科分子生理学分野)
田中 秀央 (京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科 細胞分子機能病理学)



庄田 守男 (東京女子医科大学循環器内科)
住友 直方 (埼玉医科大学国際医療センター小児心臓科)

小児・先天性心疾患には、原疾患による不整脈と心内修復術に伴う不整脈が発生する。原疾患に伴う洞機能不全、房室伝導障害、また術後不整脈としての徐脈性不整脈に対する治療はペースメーカーが主流であるが、心臓アクセスルート制限、心内シャント存在などで心内リードを利用する通常のペースメーカー植込手術ができない場合がある。頻脈は特殊な副伝導路やtwin AV nodeによる房室回帰性頻拍、術後頻拍や心房負荷が強い病態でみられる多発性心房頻拍、心房細動などがあり、治療はカテーテルアブレーションの役割が大きいが、全般的に難治性である。植込型除細動器(経静脈、皮下)とのハイブリッド治療、原疾患に対する外科的介入も有力であるが、十分なエビデンスは構築されていない。この多彩でチャレンジングな分野における最先端治療を広く検討し、今後の展開を俯瞰してみたい。

New Stream of Arrhythmia Mapping

小林 義典 (東海大学医学部付属八王子病院循環器内科)

As more complex rhythm disturbance has become the target of EP study and catheter ablation, the technology of electro-anatomical mapping (EAM) system has been rapidly developed. At present, we have several different EAM systems with some specific features, such as capability to make a prompt mapping for non-sustained unstable arrhythmias, ability to display all catheters’ positions and rapid depiction of cardiac geometry. For the procedural success, it is essential to use each EAM system with a deep understanding of the characteristics of the system as well as to make a careful interpretation for the acquired data. In this session, with regard to the clinically available EAM systems, how to master the new technology to make a profit for the patients will be discussed. Further the new system currently under the development will be introduced, particularly focusing on the principal benefits and future perspective in this field.

Cardiomyopathy and Rhythm Disorders

志賀  剛 (東京女子医科大学循環器内科)
髙橋 尚彦 (大分大学医学部循環器内科・臨床検査診断学)

Cardiomyopathy is cardiac disorder that causes heart failure and rhythm disorders such as supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is primarily caused by ventricular tachycardia (VT)/fibrillation (VF). Therefore, the prevention of VT/VF is a key issue in the treatment of patients at risk for SCD. Atrial fibrillation (AF) frequently occurs in patients with cardiomyopathy. It is recognized that AF leads to clinical deterioration and worsened hemodynamics. However, the mechanisms of arrhythmias associated with various cardiomyopathies are complex and heterogeneous. The etiology of arrhythmias associated with dilated cardiomyopathies is known to be the result of a variety of electrical abnormalities, but the primary cause is not well understood. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy is slowly progresses to more diffuse ventricular dysfunction. In the early phase of this cardiomyopathy, structural change is absent or minor, but patients may be at risk of SCD. For hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the predictive value of each of established clinical risk factors is poor and risk stratification for SCD remains a challenge. Drug therapy including beta-blockers and amiodarone, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and radiofrequency ablation are important tools in the management of arrhythmia and SCD in patients with cardiomyopathy, but further investigation is necessary. Thus, each cardiomyopathy also results in different risk assessment and treatment approaches for arrhythmia. There are still many unresolved problems about cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias. In this symposium, we would like to discuss topics related to these issues, ranging from the basic sciences to clinical managements.



日本不整脈心電学会 入会案内:http://new.jhrs.or.jp/membership/







Basic /Translational Science

1 Ion Channels and Transporters: Molecular Structure, Function, and Regulation
2 Ion Channels and Transporters: Micro Anatomy and Pathology
3 Genomics: Bench
4 Genomics: Translational
5 Cell Physiology, Pharmacology, and Signaling
6 Computer Modeling / Simulation
7 Intact Heart Electrophysiology (includes Pharmacology and Optical Mapping)
8 Whole Animal Electrophysiology and Pharmacology (includes Neurohumoral Modulation)
9 Others

Provocative Cases (Case reports)

10 Atrial fibrillation / Atrial flutter
12 VT / VF / VPC
13 Heart Failure
14 Bradycardia Devices
15 Tachycardia Devices
16 Device Implantation / Extraction
17 Pediatric / Adult Congenital Heart Disease
18 Complications
19 Others

Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

Bradycardia Devices

20 Device Technology
21 Clinical Studies
22 Indications and Complications
23 Others

Tachycardia Devices

24 Device Technology
25 Clinical Studies
26 Indications and Complications
27 Others

Heart Failure Management

28 Device Technology
29 Clinical Studies
30 Indications and Complications
31 Others

Diagnostic Devices & Sensors

32 Device Technology
33 Clinical Studies
34 Indications and Complications
35 Others

Leads & Electrodes

36 Implantation
37 Extraction / Removal
38 Technology
39 Clinical Studies
40 Others

Monitoring & Outcomes

41 Monitoring & Follow-up
42 Outcomes, Quality Measures & Complications

Catheter/ Surgical Ablation


43 Clinical Studies / Outcomes
44 Experimental Methods
45 Quality Measures & Complications
46 Mapping & Imaging
47 Ablation
48 Clinical Studies
49 Drug Therapy
50 Others

Atrial Fibrillation & Atrial Flutter

51 Clinical Studies / Outcomes
52 Experimental Methods
53 Quality Measures & Complications
54 Mapping & Imaging
55 Ablation
56 Clinical Studies
57 Others
58 Drug Therapy


59 Clinical Studies / Outcomes
60 Experimental Methods
61 Quality Measures & Complications
62 Mapping & Imaging
63 Ablation
64 Clinical Studies
65 Others
66 Drug Therapy

Clinical Electrophysiology

Sudden Cardiac Death

67 Risk Assessment (SAECG/TWA, HRV, QT interval etc. )
68 Epidemiology / Physiology
69 Prevention / Treatment
70 Others

Syncope & Bradycardia

71 Mechanism / Diagnosis
72 Prevention / Treatment
73 Drug Therapy and Devices
74 Clinical Studies
75 Others


76 Atrial fibrillation / Atrial flutter
78 VT / VF / VPC
79 Heart failure
80 Others

Inherited Disorder

81 Brugada syndrome, Early repolarization syndrome, and Idiopathic VF
82 LQT syndrome, ARVC, and others

Heart Failure

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

83 Indications
84 Device Technology
85 LV Leads
86 Others

Non-CRT Devices for Heart Failure

87 Autonomic Modulation
88 Others

Heart Failure Management

89 Pharmacology
90 Clinical Studies
91 Monitoring
92 Others

Pediatric / Adult Congenital Heart Disease

93 Pediatric Cardiology
94 Adult Congenital Heart Disease
95 Transition
96 Training and Education
97 Others

Regulatory Sience

98 Reimbursement, Regulation, and Health policy


YIA(Young Investigator's Award)への応募の希望有無を選択下さい。


  • 2018年7月1日現在、筆頭演者(発表者)が40歳未満であること。
  • 過去の日本不整脈心電学会学術大会において、YIAを受賞したことがないこと。
  • YIAに選出された場合は、「Journal of Arrhythmia」(英文誌)または「心電図」(和文誌)に投稿すること。


  • 採否はプログラム編成委員会の審議に基づいて、大会長が決定します。
  • 採否通知は4月中旬頃に演題登録時に入力されたE-mailアドレスに通知するとともに、ホームページでも掲載予定です。
  • プログラムおよび会場の都合でご希望どおりにならないことがありますのでご了承ください。
  • シンポジウムに採用されなかった演題でも一般演題として採否を別に考慮する予定です。演題登録時に一般演題採否希望の有無を選択ください。
  • 国内の他学会または学会誌にて既に発表された演題と明らかに同一と大会長が認めた演題は、演題の採択の前後を問わず、取消とします。


  • 新規登録
  • 確認・修正



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